P5 1.0/1.5 has some tweaks that can be made to the registry, and P5 2.0 brings some of these out to a set of .INI files. Always backup your .ini files or your registry before you begin editing.
Registry Tweaks
Note: You will need to shutdown P5, open regedit.exe to make your changes, then restart P5 before you see the changes take affect.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Project5 is the main registry key. Be sure to export this key to a backup file before editing.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Project5\Options is where most of our editing fun will take place.
- NumSynthControls
- In Project5 1.x this value controls the number of visible synth parameter knobx in the Syn.Ops window. Default is 8. Increasing the number adds additional knobs to the window.
- XOmniFollowsActiveTrack
- In Project5 1.x this value controls the behavior of the Omni mode for tracks. Its default value of 0 causes Project5's tracks to all respond to MIDI messages received in Omni mode. Changing the value to 1 causes a selected track to automatically override omni mode so that it is the only track responding to messages received via Omni.
INI Tweaks
Note: You will need to shutdown P5, edit the files with your favorite text editor (notepad.exe, right?), then restart P5 before you see the changes take affect.
- NumFXControls=4
- Determines the number of on-screen 'widgets' which are displayed for controlling FX parameters. The default value is 4, but it can be increased to add more controls.
- NumSynthControls=8
- Determines the number of on-screen 'widgets' which are displayed for controlling Synth parameters. The default value is 8, but can be increased to add more controls.
- PatternBrowseMaxNodes=2500
- Determines the number of nodes available for the pattern browser view. If not all of your files/folders are showing up in the browser try increasing this value.
- ShowRAMMeter=0
- Enables/Disables Project5's builtin RAM Meter. When set to value 1 a tool tip pop-up will display the current RAM usage as a percent of the total installed when the mouse is hovered over the CPU metter (upper right corner of the main P5 window).
- V2EE=0
- Enables /Disables an Easter Egg feature (undocumented hidden feature) that will enable you to use the computer qwerty keyboard as a MIDI controller. Set value to '1' to enable and '0' (default) to disable. See the [[Qwerty Controller]] article for tips on how to make use of this feature.
- XOmniFollowsActiveTrack=0
- Switch which determines Omni mode behavior for tracks. When set to 0 all tracks will be in Omni mode and will respond to MIDI data coming from the MIDI controller. When set to 1 then Omni Mode follows the active track only--that is, only the active track will respond to messages coming from the MIDI controller regardless of how many tracks are monitoring Omni. Setting this value to 1 is more consistent with the behavior of Sonar. The default is 0. (Note: In Project5 2.0.1 this is now toggled within the program on the Options menu labeled as MIDI Override Follows Current Track.