P5 Custom Settings

Tips for customizing P5. Includes registry editing and .ini file modifications.

P5 1.0/1.5 has some tweaks that can be made to the registry, and P5 2.0 brings some of these out to a set of .INI files. Always backup your .ini files or your registry before you begin editing.

Registry Tweaks

Note: You will need to shutdown P5, open regedit.exe to make your changes, then restart P5 before you see the changes take affect.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Project5 is the main registry key. Be sure to export this key to a backup file before editing.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Project5\Options is where most of our editing fun will take place.


In Project5 1.x this value controls the number of visible synth parameter knobx in the Syn.Ops window. Default is 8. Increasing the number adds additional knobs to the window.
In Project5 1.x this value controls the behavior of the Omni mode for tracks. Its default value of 0 causes Project5's tracks to all respond to MIDI messages received in Omni mode. Changing the value to 1 causes a selected track to automatically override omni mode so that it is the only track responding to messages received via Omni.

INI Tweaks

Note: You will need to shutdown P5, edit the files with your favorite text editor (notepad.exe, right?), then restart P5 before you see the changes take affect.


Determines the number of on-screen 'widgets' which are displayed for controlling FX parameters. The default value is 4, but it can be increased to add more controls.
Determines the number of on-screen 'widgets' which are displayed for controlling Synth parameters. The default value is 8, but can be increased to add more controls.
Determines the number of nodes available for the pattern browser view. If not all of your files/folders are showing up in the browser try increasing this value.
Enables/Disables Project5's builtin RAM Meter. When set to value 1 a tool tip pop-up will display the current RAM usage as a percent of the total installed when the mouse is hovered over the CPU metter (upper right corner of the main P5 window).
Enables /Disables an Easter Egg feature (undocumented hidden feature) that will enable you to use the computer qwerty keyboard as a MIDI controller. Set value to '1' to enable and '0' (default) to disable. See the [[Qwerty Controller]] article for tips on how to make use of this feature.
Switch which determines Omni mode behavior for tracks. When set to 0 all tracks will be in Omni mode and will respond to MIDI data coming from the MIDI controller. When set to 1 then Omni Mode follows the active track only--that is, only the active track will respond to messages coming from the MIDI controller regardless of how many tracks are monitoring Omni. Setting this value to 1 is more consistent with the behavior of Sonar. The default is 0. (Note: In Project5 2.0.1 this is now toggled within the program on the Options menu labeled as MIDI Override Follows Current Track.

The content provided on this web site is public information which was originally posted in the Cakewalk User Forums and on the old Project5 Wiki. Project5™ and Cakewalk™ are registered trademarks of Cakewalk, Inc. Other product names or companies names may be trademarks of their respective companies whether marked as such or not. Portions of this web site are copyright © 2025 Robert J. Hammond ( A member of the Technetos family of web sites ).