Some tips for using P5 to make guitar-based tracks.
By Andy C Forum Source
I'm sure I'm not the only one who uses P5 with guitars so how about a few clues to the guys and gals who'd like to make P5 guitar songs:
P5 will have created a number of track layers for each recording of the loop, find the one you like, (use the mute) and groove loop it and drag into the groove matrix.
That is the basic setup. Next thing to do is to either record other instruments, or record guitar parts for the chorus, middle 8, opening, and closing using the above method. Once you've got them, do the same for bass and vocals.
With everything in the groove matrix, you can either dracg and drop them on to the arange view and streach them out to create a song structure, or use the record groove matrix function and do it that way.
There you go, basic song.
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