Normally with rewire you can only stream your audio tracks, from the slave app to the host app, thereby using the host app as a mixer, but with Project5 Version 2.0.1 or later there is a way to bounce rewired tracks directly into Project5.
By Billy Buck
Note: You must have 2.01 or later installed, for this to work.
Normally with rewire you can only stream your audio tracks, from the slave app to the host app, thereby using the host app, as a mixer. You don't actually see your slave audio tracks appear, in your host app, you just hear them played through the rewire track/bus. There is no actual audio track created, in the rewire host app. Now with the new Bounce to Track feature, in 2.0.1, you can easily bounce your rewire tracks directly, onto the P5 2.0.1 timeline, via a little trick using existing midi data to trigger it. I just tried this in ACID Pro 5b (I am sure it will work with other rewire apps, as well) and it works like a charm.
Here is how you do it, once you have your slave app rewired to P5 2.01:
Now your rewired track's audio will be created in a new adjoining track, on the P5 2.01 Track pane. You could not do this before, in 2.0, but the new Bounce to Track, feature in 2.01, now makes this possible.
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