P5 User Info
An informational end-user site dedicated to the Cakewalk Project5 digital audio workstation software. Its purpose is to share tips, advice, and other information relevant to Project5 users.
Take full advantage of the wealth of free information here. This free information is for you and by you--that is to say, we heartily welcome contributions.
P5 Online Reading Material
- Software Updates helps you find descriptions and links to various updates to the software.
- FAQ answers frequently asked questions you have about the software.
- Tutorial List helps you get started using the software.
- Technique List provides examples of more advanced techniques and workflow ideas.
- Hardware List helps you integrate hardware with the software.
- Software List helps you other applications such as SONAR™ with the software.
P5 Books and Videos
- Books lists books topically related to the software and its components.
- Videos lists videos topically related to the software and its components.
P5 Addons
- P5 Desktop Wallpaper designed by creative P5 users will dress up your deskop.
- Synths is a short list of DXi and VSTi musical software instruments that users have utilized in their projects.
- Effects short list DXi and VSTi effects software that users have utilized in their projects.
P5 Artists
The content provided on this web site is public information which was originally posted in the Cakewalk User Forums and on the old Project5 Wiki.
Project5™ and Cakewalk™ are registered trademarks of Cakewalk, Inc.
Other product names or companies names may be trademarks of their respective companies whether marked as such or not.
Portions of this web site are copyright © 2025 Robert J. Hammond ( A member of the Technetos family of web sites ).